What Is EGO?


Ego may be commonly know as the sense of self created by the mind, particularly self-importance comparing to others. Often we hear things like “He has a big ego” to someone who is acting pompous. However, there’s a much more deeper meaning to ego.

Ego is also the repetitive conditioned thought process and the identifications and/or attachments with form, beliefs, thoughts, and events.

The ego is the mind made self definitions:
”I am (who you think you are)”

The ego is the incessant voice in the head, such as the conversations you have with yourself:
“How could I make this mistake?”
“Why did I just do that? I’m such an idiot”

The ego creates untrue stories:
”If I mess this up people will think I’m a loser”
”I’m not worthy”
and so on.

It’s the thoughts and beliefs that lead to many of the negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, fear, shame, superiority, and insecurity. It’s the part of the person that compares and complains about other people, a situation, why the person/something shouldn't be this or that way. It’s when we get triggered and react to people, words, opinions, or situation. It also leaves you feeing never satisfied and always wanting more.


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